宁波千越科技有限公司 VIP会员 第1
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  • 所 在 地:浙江 宁波 镇海区
  • 主营产品: 大型滚塑浮体 拦污浮筒海洋浮标 管道疏浚浮筒 浮桥平台
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首页> 橡塑> 通用塑料> 其他通用塑料> 周口水渠主干道升级漂浮垃圾拦截塑料浮筒 防侧翻拦污浮排 举报

周口水渠主干道升级漂浮垃圾拦截塑料浮筒 防侧翻拦污浮排

采用PE环保原料制作而成,不污染水质,整体采用圆柱形造型,可以阻挡隔离水面垃圾,减缓水流的冲击力,在现场安装时,只需在两边做好锚固点,通过揽绳把单个塑料浮筒组合起来,就可以形成一道水上拦污浮排,就能阻挡住水面的垃圾。也可根据现场水域环境,选择合适的拦污排型号,达到拦污导漂的作用。 展开

价    格


  • 520.00

    1 - 99千克

  • 500.00 价格为商家提供的参考价,请通过"获取最低报价"


  • 发货地浙江 宁波
  • 发货期限不限
  • 供货总量1000千克
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宁波千越科技有限公司 VIP会员 第1
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  • 浙江 宁波
  • 大型滚塑浮体,拦污浮筒海洋浮标,管道疏浚浮筒,浮桥平台
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更新时间 : 2024-06-14
牌号 新品类型标准料
特性级别增韧级、 增强级、 耐高温、 耐低温、 抗紫外线、 耐水解、 耐磨、 耐老化、 耐候用途级别通用级、 管材级

周口水渠主干道升级漂浮垃圾拦截塑料浮筒 防侧翻拦污浮排

产品介绍Product introduction


  • 产品类别:水上拦污

  • 品牌:柏泰

  • 结构类型:对夹式

  • 材质:PE    

  • 特殊用途:拦挡垃圾

  • 加工定制:是

  • 产地/厂家:宁波柏泰

The included angle between the line connecting the floating raft support point and the water flow is about 60o to 70o. The upstream track is installed in the reinforced concrete column of the rock slope track beam on the side of the reservoir near the generator intake. The reinforced concrete column of the downstream track beam is connected to the dam pier column through anchoring and on-site pouring.

产品实拍图Product picture

The supporting device consists of a main wheel, a side wheel, and a wheel frame. The main wheel and the side wheel are equipped with self-lubricating shaft sleeves, coupled with counterweights, to ensure that the device can rise and fall flexibly in the track groove, achieving the goal of "dynamic self floating" of the float discharge as the water level changes (for the old type of trash discharge, it is necessary to adjust the tension of the lifting rope through the electric winch winch to adapt to the changes in water level).



The supporting device consists of a main wheel, a side wheel, and a wheel frame. The main wheel and the side wheel are equipped with self-lubricating shaft sleeves, coupled with counterweights, to ensure that the device can rise and fall flexibly in the track groove, achieving the goal of "dynamic self floating" of the float discharge as the water level changes (for the old type of trash discharge, it is necessary to adjust the tension of the lifting rope through the electric winch winch to adapt to the changes in water level).


本公司引进***技术,采用食品PE原料,是 大陆同行中产品质量佳、门类全、品种多的优势企业。产品造型美观内外光滑,无焊无缝、 无味、耐酸、耐碱、耐冲击、耐高温(60摄氏度)、耐冷冻(-30摄氏度),不渗漏、不易老化、无需维修及清洗,安装运输方便。产品遍布大陆,产品的使用寿命高达25年之久,并且不易结水垢等优点。

The cross hinge and pin shaft are used to connect the pontoons, the pontoons, the supporting device, and the transition device. In this way, when the flow rate and direction of flow change, the buoy deflects to a certain extent in the left and right directions, and the sewage blocking and floating discharge are slightly curved, which can maintain a working state. In order to facilitate on-site inspection, inspection and maintenance, the float raft is equipped with walking boards and barriers.

产品细节图Product detail drawing




产品包装Product packaging


When the water depth is less than 3 meters, a steel pile is erected at an appropriate location for fixation, and then the pile column is connected with a roller carriage. This not only prevents the box from moving laterally from the left to the right, but also automatically rises and falls with the water level.

The combined water platform is made of strong and flexible HMWHDPE, and various additives such as electrostatic agents, agents, agents, etc. are added to make it material. The utility model discloses an offset automatic sewage blocking device for river courses, which includes a pool arranged on the left bank, a construction concrete working platform arranged on the right bank, and columns arranged on the construction concrete working platform, The right end of the rear side of the interceptor plate underframe that spans the left and right sides is hinged to the cylinder sleeve that is sleeved outside the column through a hinge seat. Both ends of the interceptor plate underframe are provided with sprockets on the front side, and chains are installed on the sprockets. A hydraulic cylinder is provided on the construction concrete working platform on the right side of the cylinder sleeve, and a lifting hydraulic cylinder is provided at the lower end of the cylinder sleeve for lifting the hinge seat along the right column; When the hydraulic cylinder retracts to drive the interceptor plate underframe at a 45 degree angle to the water flow direction, the left end of the interceptor plate underframe is located at the upper right of the pool. When the hydraulic cylinder extends to the limit position, the interceptor plate underframe is parallel to the water flow direction. "



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企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) 统一社会信用代码 91330211MA2AGDXU8Q
成立日期 2017-12-18 法定代表人/负责人 郭亦巧
注册资本 100万(元) 注册地址 浙江省宁波市镇海区骆驼街道三五路1066弄1号17-1室
营业期限 2017-12-18 至 无固定期限 登记机关 宁波市镇海区市场监督管理局
经营范围 一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;科技中介服务;日用品销售;日用百货销售;日用杂品销售;家居用品销售;母婴用品销售;水上运输设备零配件销售;计算机软硬件及辅助设备批发;网络设备销售;软件销售;地板销售;建筑装饰材料销售;照明器具销售;汽车装饰用品销售;轻质建筑材料销售;建筑防水卷材产品销售;专业设计服务;互联网销售(除销售需要许可的商品);针纺织品及原料销售;服装辅料销售;家具零配件销售;技术玻璃制品销售;针纺织品销售;纸制品销售;机械零件、零部件销售;日用化学产品销售;住宅水电安装维护服务;五金产品零售;模具销售;电器辅件销售;化妆品零售;橡胶制品销售;服装服饰零售;发电机及发电机组销售;水泥制品销售;石棉水泥制品销售;保温材料销售;阀门和旋塞销售;日用家电零售;家用电器销售;家用电器零配件销售;钟表与计时仪器销售;眼镜销售(不含隐形眼镜);钟表销售;日用玻璃制品销售;金属材料销售;电子元器件零售;音响设备销售;卫生洁具销售;消防器材销售;户外用品销售;体育用品及器材零售;渔具销售;冶金专用设备销售;环境监测专用仪器仪表销售;紧固件销售;照相机及器材销售;汽车零配件零售;电车销售;摩托车及零配件零售;电动自行车销售;自行车及零配件批发;礼品花卉销售;市场营销策划;电子专用材料销售;五金产品批发;机械设备销售;机械设备租赁(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)。许可项目:技术进出口;货物进出口;进出口代理(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以审批结果为准)。
浙江 宁波 镇海区 浙江省宁波市镇海区骆驼街道三五路1066弄1号17-1室
浙江 宁波 浙江 宁波 镇海区 浙江省宁波市镇海区骆驼街道三五路1066弄1号17-1室 宁波千越科技有限公司
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