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更新时间 : 2024-05-30



美国GE通用MIFIIPI55E10HI00馈线保护装置接口PLC系统继电器供应主机架(主站)选型标准机架:(型号IC698CHS01717槽,后安装,支持早期系列90-70产品,保护用户投资。CPU模块:(型号IC698CPE01010M内存,INTEL 赛扬处理器,运行速度300MHZ100 MHZ内存总线,内建10/100M以太网接口和3个串行接口用于系统诊断。电 源 模 块 :( 型 号 I C 6 9 8 P S A 1 0 0 ), 宽 电 压 适 应90-260V),大容量,具有过压过流保护。机架风扇组件:(型号IC697ACC724)用于机架系统散热。后备锂电池:(型号IC698ACC701)在系统断电情况下可使用6个月。智能总线控制器GBC:(型号IC697BEM731)用于和分布I/O模块通讯,支持32个从站,通讯距离远,可2300米,支持冗余总线。分布式I/O模块(从站)选自选型配置如下:电源模块:(型号 IC200PWR102)具有短路和过载保护,既能做主供电电源,也能作为辅助供电电源。网络接口单元:(型号 IC200GBI001)用于从站和主站之间的通讯,支持网络冗余,端子连接。模块底座:(型号IC200CHS022)紧凑式盒式接线端子I/0底座。通讯模块底座:(型号IC200CHS006)为现场总线通讯模块提供机架,底板通讯。开关量输入模块:(型号IC200MDL650/24132/16点输入,支持带电热插拔,每回路均有LED指示灯,同时还有显示模块本身电源状态和外部电源状态的指示灯。开关量输出模块:(型号IC200MDL74232点晶体管输出,支持带电热插拔,响应时间短,16 点一组,2 隔离。模拟量输入模块:(型号IC200ALG2304 点输入,12分辨率,支持带电热插拔。模拟量输出模块:(型号IC200ALG3204路输出,12分辨率,支持带电热插拔。根据实际需要选用14 台上位机做监控站,选一台笔记本作编程器。采用研华工控机,P4 处理器 2.8 G,内存512M,硬盘80G3com网卡,液晶显示器20寸;其中:

? 热风炉操作室:2(2*2)

? 槽下上料操作室:2(2*2)

? 布袋除尘操作室:1

? 综合水泵房:1

? 高炉本体:2(2*2)


DELL D610/迅驰1.73/ 512M/60G/康宝/64M显卡/14.1

/232串口。 美国GE通用MIFIIPI55E10HI00馈线保护装置接口PLC系统继电器供应

美国GE通用MIFIIPI55E10HI00馈线保护装置接口PLC系统继电器供应Relay is a kind of industrial equipment widely used in the electrical system. Its normal action plays a certain role in protecting various faults, but when this protection fails, it will cause the system paralysis. If the switchgear fails or the circuit is automatically disconnected for protection. Therefore, pay attention to the action of relay frequently during operation. Now we mainly introduce GE relay protection device. When a fault occurs on the equipment, the relay protection device can be used for protection to prevent maloperation or tripping due to automatic tripping of the protection line.General functions: 1) Complete signal transmission between relay and contactor, 3) Fault detection unit 1 in relay. 4) The signal receiving unit 1 and the signal input unit 2 of the relay are provided with switch indicators. 5) The protection circuit can be connected to the relay protection device 2-7 A/D, and 3) it can directly control the relay and contactor on the relay protection device to realize action. 6) It has flicker free display function. 7) It has manual, automatic, manual/automatic+manual signal input mode (i.e. manual input signal) and alarm mode.It is necessary to select the starting performance of relay according to the actual situation of electric power industry. In some operation situations, the action current of starting relay shall meet the safety requirements. However, in some cases, excessive relay action current will cause the coil to be overheated and burned. Therefore, appropriate starting current shall be selected.The action characteristics depend on the use status of the relay and the operation status of the external circuit. (2) Action capability level: the action capability level of the relay reflects the maximum speed of the relay in practical application, that is, the maximum speed of the relay under various working conditions and the maximum total power that the relay can withstand (dB). (3) Reset characteristics: reset characteristics are related to the current size and contact position of the relay during normal operation. (4) Action time characteristics: generally used to measure whether the relay action time meets its required time. In order to ensure that the action time of the relay meets the requirements, it is necessary to calculate the sum of the time of multiple continuous actions, multiple actions and multiple continuous action segments. (5) Contact characteristics: relay contact characteristics are comprehensive measurements that determine whether any kind of mechanical equipment can effectively withstand mechanical load and current, contact position, contact speed and contact mode during operation.When the input voltage and current are unstable, the relay will be disconnected or short circuited. In case of short circuit or disconnection, the output voltage of the relay will drop to the level before disconnection. The relay will be damaged when the current is output.GE relay is a digital signal, and there are three signal input modes between the input end and the output end. When the switching element fails, the dual power input mode is adopted, and when the relay protection device starts, the relay protection circuit is adopted to output signals. As shown in Figure 4, when a switching element fails, the input terminal will send an output signal to the control relay circuit, and the control relay will act.


深圳长欣自动化设备有限公司是一家长年专业从事全球***ABB DSQC机器人系统模块备件及西门子摩尔(Siemens Moore APACS)控制系统零部件销售企业、我们售出的备品备件均提供一年的质量***、并且都经过了严格的测试和认证。 深圳长欣自动化设备有限公司是一家专业从事全球***(DCS系统)(机器人系统)(大型伺服控制系统)模块 备件销售,公司产品内容为分布式控制系统(DCS) 、可编程序控制器(PLC)、 MOTOROLA MVME工业用模组 、工业控制通訊转换器(Anybus) 、远端输出/输入模块(RTU) 、工业电脑(IPC)、 工业用低頻萤幕(IPC) 、人机界面SCSI(50、68、80Pin) AnyBus(Gateway)现已成一家全球性的工业自动化备件及零部件的销售企业。 公司自成立以来始终坚持以纯电子商务模式运营、缩减中间环节、为客户在***时间提供优质的产品及满意的服务、为您的生产以及采购工作提供‘安全 快捷 方便’公司拥有完善的物流供应系统、现已与众多国外***生产厂商建立了良好的合作关系。 我司能直接从境外进货、能够提供不同国别、厂商的设备以及备件、解决您多处寻找的麻烦或对产品质量问题的担心等、在价格上我们有很大的优势、产品详细信息、竭诚欢迎您来电查询或使用E-mail查询! 应用领域 公司经销产品广泛应用于数控机械 冶金、石油天然气、石油化工、化工、造纸印刷、纺织印染、机械、电子制造、汽车制造、烟草、塑胶机械、电力、水利、水处理/环保、市政工程、锅炉供暖、能源、输配电。

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