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首页> 橡塑> 通用塑料> HDPE> INEOS Eltex MED PH27D630 LDPE 可蒸汽消毒; 无添加剂 吹塑瓶 举报

INEOS Eltex MED PH27D630 LDPE 可蒸汽消毒; 无添加剂 吹塑瓶


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  • 发货地上海 嘉定区
  • 发货期限1天内发货
  • 供货总量20000千克
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  • 上海 上海
  • 工程塑料,原厂改性塑料,弹性体材料,耐磨导电抗屏蔽料
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INEOS Eltex MED PH27D630 LDPE 可蒸汽消毒; 无添加剂 吹塑瓶

LDPEEltex MED PH27D630 吹塑成型应用; 瓶子; 药品包装 低密度; 可加工性,良好; 可用蒸汽消毒; 无添加剂; 柔软; 良好的柔韧性

Eltex? MED PH27D630

Product Technical Information

Low Density Polyethylene for Pharmaceutical Blow Moulding

Eltex? MED PH27D630 is a LD-polyethylene produced in a high-pressure process intended for

blow moulding of soft and flexible packages for pharmaceutical products.

Eltex? MED PH27D630 is produced according to good manufacturing practice and is additive-free.

Eltex? MED PH27D630 is available in granular form.


Eltex? MED PH27D630 can be used in “blow-fill and seal” machines for the production ampoules

and bottles. The product can also be used for pharmaceutical products manufactured with other

conversion techniques such as injection moulding and film blowing. Eltex? MED PH27D630 will

withstand heating up to 110°C and therefore units made from this product may be steam treated to

max. 110°C.

Properties Test Method Value Units


Density ISO 1183 927 kg/m?

Melt Flow Rate (190°C/2.16 kg) ISO 1133 0.3 g/10 min

Tensile Stress @ yield (50 mm/min) ISO 527-2 12 MPa

Tensile Strain @ break (50 mm/min) ISO 527-2 350 %

Tensile Modulus (1 mm/min) ISO 527-2 350 MPa

Hardness Shore D ISO 868 52 -

Heat Deflection Temperature

(0.45 MPa) ISO 75-2 51 °C

- Data should not be used for specification work

Processing Guidelines

Eltex? MED PH27D630 is easy to extrude.

Recommended melt temperature is 165-200°C

Compliance to Regulations on Medical Use

Eltex? MED PH27D630 complies with the European Pharmacopoeia – Monograph 3.1.4

Storage and Handling

The product should be stored in dry conditions at temperatures below 50°C and protected from UVlight.

Improper storage can initiate degradation which results in odour generation and colour changes, and

can have negative effects on the physical properties of the product.

t or medical devices.

January, 2009 Published by

Eltex? MED PH27D630

Regulatory Information

The product and uses described herein may require global product registrations and notifications for chemical inventory

listings, or for use in food contac

Health and Safety Information

The product described herein may require precautions in handling. The available product health and safety information for

this material is contained in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that may be obtained from the website

. Before using any material, a customer is advised to consult the MSDS for the product under

consideration for use.

Exclusion of Liability

Although INEOS O&P Europe endeavours to ensure that all information and advice relating to our materials or other

materials howsoever provided to you by INEOS O&P Europe is accurate and up to date, no representation or warranty,

express or implied is made by INEOS O&P Europe as to its accuracy or completeness. All such information and advice is

provided in good faith and INEOS O&P Europe is not, to the maximum extent permitted by law, liable for any action you

may take as a result of relying on such information or advice or for any loss or damage, including any consequential loss,

suffered by you as a result of taking such action.

In addition data and numerical results howsoever provided to you by INEOS O&P Europe are given in good faith and are

general in nature. Data and numerical results are not and shall not be regarded as specifications and as such INEOS O&P

Europe is not, to the maximum extent permitted by law, liable for any action that you take as a result of relying on such

data and results or for any loss or damage, including any consequential loss, suffered by you as a result of taking such


It remains at all times your responsibility to ensure that INEOS O&P Europe materials are suitable for the

particular purpose intended and INEOS O&P Europe shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused

by misuse of INEOS O&P Europe products. To the maximum extent permitted by law, INEOS O&P Europe

accepts no liability whatsoever arising out of the application, adaptation or processing of the products described

herein, the use of other materials in lieu of INEOS O&P Europe materials or the use of INEOS O&P Europe

materials in conjunction with such other materials.


上海浜禧贸易有限公司,位于有着“上海国际汽车城”之称的上海市安亭镇,公司秉承“专业、团队、创新”的经营理念,至力于为客户提供的进口工程塑料、技术支持和销售服务。总公司创立至于2005年,具有10年塑料粒子进出口贸易历史。在香港、上海、广东、江苏设立分公司并拥有多个仓储基地,业务范围辐射全国及亚洲、中东部分国家和地区,支持人民币和美金结算。 我公司严格遵循ISO9001:2008质量管理体系,十分注重材料的品质和进货渠道管理。与多家世界知名化工生产企业建立了合作关系,以确保材料的原厂品质和持续供货能力。为您提供优质的原厂材料、选材解决方案和新产品开发技术支持。 上海浜禧代理销售进口工程塑料、通用塑料、高温塑料及各种导电(抗静电、屏蔽)、导热、耐磨等特种工程塑料和热塑性弹性体材料。 上海浜禧贸易有限公司的发展有赖于您的信任与支持!

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成立日期 2013-09-18 法定代表人/负责人 代书龙
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上海 上海 上海 上海 嘉定区 安亭镇墨玉路28号嘉正国际大厦908室 上海浜禧贸易有限公司
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