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  • 所 在 地:广东 深圳 龙华区
  • 主营产品: 工业润滑油 食品级润滑油 润滑脂(黄油) 白油
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首页> 化工> 工业润滑油> 工业润滑脂> Q8 Ruysdael WR 2高性能耐水润滑脂,Q8多用途锂钙基耐水润滑脂Multi LCX 1 举报

Q8 Ruysdael WR 2高性能耐水润滑脂,Q8多用途锂钙基耐水润滑脂Multi LCX 1

Q8RuysdaelWR2isawaterresistantcalciumgreasebasedonmineraloilwithaveryhighviscosity.Q8多用途锂钙基耐水润滑脂MultiLCX1具有优异耐水性的多用途锂钙润滑脂 展开

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  • 1650.00

    1 - 5桶

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  • 发货地广东 深圳
  • 发货期限5天内发货
  • 供货总量50桶
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更新时间 : 2024-05-21
产地江苏/广东/进口型号NLGI 3、2、2、2、2、2.5、2
锥入度235 280 280 286 280 260 280滴点180 260 260 260 160 160
针入度235 280 280 286 280 260 280mm应用领域除食品行业外的其它所有领域

Q8 Ruysdael WR 2高性能耐水润滑脂,Q8多用途锂钙基耐水润滑脂Multi LCX 1

Q8 Ruysdael WR 2高性能耐水润滑脂,Q8多用途锂钙基耐水润滑脂Multi LCX 1经销商推荐深圳市鑫贝利贸易。

深圳市鑫贝利贸易有限公司经营Q8 Oils科威特Q8润滑油、美孚润滑油Mobil、埃索润滑油Esso、壳牌润滑油Shell、加德士CALTEX、雪佛龙Chevron、嘉实多Castrol、道达尔TOTAL、埃尔夫润滑油ELF、克鲁勃KLUBER、福斯润滑油FUCHS、美国威氏Lubriplate润滑油、沃尔沃润滑油VOLVO、美国阿克苏抗燃油Fyrquel EHC PLUS电力液压控制液、奎克好富顿Quaker-Houghton、长城等工业润滑油、润滑脂、食品级润滑油、船舶润滑油及白油。产品广泛应用于车辆、船舶、航空、特种工业设备、钢铁、食品等多个领域

Q8 Rembrandt Moly 3二硫化钼锂基润滑脂

Q8 Renoir EP 142合成可生物降解润滑脂

Q8 Rubens PMS 222复合锂基合成润滑脂

Q8 Rembrandt EP 2多用途极压润滑脂

Q8 Rubens WB 2.5极压复合锂基轴承润滑脂

Q8 Ruysdael SMC 1002重负荷锂基二硫化钼润滑脂

Q8 Ruysdael WR 2高性能耐水钙基润滑脂

Q8 Multi LCX 1具有优异耐水性的多用途锂钙润滑脂

Q8 Grease TI 2是一种基于复合铝皂的特殊白色润滑脂,含有特殊的固体添加剂,特别是二氧化钛,使该润滑脂适用于海洋应用。

Q8 Rubens WB/b复合锂基极***承润滑脂

Q8 Copper Thread 0.5 Q8多用途含铜防卡润滑脂NLGI 1/2

Q8 Giotto Complex 0 Q8极压开式齿轮润滑脂NLGI 0 

Q8 Giotto Complex 0.5 Q8锂钙基开式齿轮润滑脂NLGI 1/2 

Q8 Giotto Special喷雾罐开式齿轮润滑脂

Q8 Multi LCX 2 Q8多用途锂钙基润滑脂LCX 2

Q8 Razi EP 2 Q8高级锂基润滑脂EP 2

Q8 Redon PTFE 2 Q8聚四氟乙烯高温润滑脂

Q8 Rembrandt AT 2 Q8多用途高温膨润土润滑脂AT 2

Q8 Rubens PMS 462高性能合成复合锂基润滑脂

Q8 Rubens WB Blau多用途复合锂基润滑脂

Q8 Rembrandt EP 00 WV高级锂基极压润滑脂

Q8 Rembrandt EP 00半流体锂基润滑脂

Q8 Rembrandt EP 0通用锂基极压润滑脂

Q8 Rodin EP 202耐水复合磺酸钙高温润滑脂

Q8 Rubens EM 2复合锂基电机轴承润滑脂

Q8 Ruysdael EP 2极压锂基润滑脂

Q8 Rubens EM 3高温复合锂基轴承润滑脂

Q8 Ruysdael CL 0特殊润滑脂

Q8特殊锂钙基润滑脂Ruysdael CL 0

Q8 Reynolds OC 150钢丝绳润滑脂

Q8 Rubens 00半流体复合锂基润滑脂

Q8 Rodin EP 415极压复合磺酸钙耐水润滑脂

Q8 Rossini EP 2极压食品级润滑脂

Q8 Rembrandt EP 1高性能锂基润滑脂

Q8 Rubens WB-B复合锂基高温润滑脂

Q8 Ruysdael SG 0多用途锂钙基润滑脂

Q8 Rembrandt EP 3极压锂基润滑脂

Q8 Rubens EP 402复合锂基极压润滑脂

Q8 Rubens HT 2高级极压复合锂基润滑脂

Q8 Rembrandt Moly 2极压二硫化钼润滑脂

Q8 Rubens LT 2合成复合锂基高速轴承润滑脂

Q8 Ruysdael SG 2.5多用途锂基润滑脂

Q8 Ruysdael CL 2低速重载锂钙基耐水润滑脂

Q8二硫化钼锂基润滑脂Rembrandt Moly 3

Q8 Rembrandt Moly 3 is an advanced lithium grease with extreme pressure properties. It contains Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) which leads to extra wear protection under high and shock loaded sliding and oscilating conditions. Q8 Rembrandt Moly 3 has optimum adhesion properties on the fifth wheel and is protected against rust even in the presence of water.

Q8可生物降合成润滑脂Renoir EP 142

Q8 Renoir EP 142 is an excellent multi-purpose EP-grease and formulated for applications in environmentally sensitive areas. It is an inherently biodegradable grease with excellent water resistance and rust-protection. Q8 Renoir EP 142 is used in wide temperatures ranges,has excellent roll stability and long service life. It has outstanding adhesive properties on metal.

Q8复合锂基合成润滑脂Rubens PMS 222

Q8 Rubens PMS 222 is a synthetic PAO-based lithium grease with an extreme long service life. Its formulation results in exceptional wear, rust and oxidation protection and thermal stability. It is used in temperatures from -40°C to 150°C. Q8 Rubens PMS 222 has excellent water stability and pumpability. The mechanical stability of the grease leads to a higher resistance to softening.

Q8多用途极压润滑脂Rembrandt EP 2

Q8 Rembrandt EP 2 is a multi-purpose lithium grease with extreme pressure properties and is temperature resistant up to 130°C. The grease is based on mineral oil and has optimum pumpability thanks to its smooth structure. The advanced roll stability of the Q8 Rembrandt EP 2 the high anti-wear properties and rust protection lead to a long service life of the grease.

Q8多用途复合锂基轴承润滑脂Rubens WB 2.5

Q8 Rubens WB 2.5 is Multi purpose lithium complex grease for industrial and automotive applications。Q8 Rubens WB 2.5 is  recommended for heavily loaded plain- and anti-friction bearings in industrial and automotive applications

Q8含石墨重负荷二硫化钼润滑脂Ruysdael SMC 1002

Q8 Ruysdael SMC 1002 is an extremely performant lithium calcium thickened grease that is developed specially for low speed plain and slow moving heavily (shock) loaded bearings. The presence of 5% solid lubricants graphite and molybdenum disulphide ensures exceptional protection. Q8 Ruysdael SMC 1002 contains a high-viscous mineral oil that forms a stable and adhesive lubricating film.

Q8高性能钙基耐水润滑脂Ruysdael WR 2

Q8 Ruysdael WR 2 is a water resistant calcium grease based on mineral oil with a very high viscosity. It contains a grease thickener which leads to an excellent load carrying capacity. Q8 Ruysdael WR 2 has a long service life and outstanding adhesive properties on metal. Its mechanical stability results in an excellent resistance to softening.

Q8多用途锂钙基耐水润滑脂Multi LCX 1具有优异耐水性的多用途锂钙润滑脂

Q8 Multi LCX 1 is a multi-purpose grease with advanced water resistance properties. The lithium-calcium grease, based on mineral oil, has an excellent roll stability. Its green colour leads to an easy recognition when applied. Q8 Multi LCX 1 has a long service life, optimum adhesive characteristics on metal and a high rust-protection. It is used in a wide temperature range.

Q8复合铝基白色润滑脂Grease TI 2是一种基于复合铝皂的特殊白色润滑脂,含有特殊的固体添加剂,特别是二氧化钛,使该润滑脂适用于海洋应用。

Q8 Grease TI 2 is a special white colored grease based on complex aluminium soaps, containing special solid additives,Q8 Grease TI 2 is in particular titanium dioxide which makes this grease suitable for marine applications.


深圳市鑫贝利贸易有限公司,从2011年成立以来一直是埃克森EXXON MOBIL石油公司旗下的Mobil、埃索ESSO润滑油授权经销商。同时经营的有:SHELL、加德士润滑油CALTEX、福斯润滑油FUCHS、道达尔润滑油TOTAL、埃尔夫润滑油ELF、BP润滑油、嘉实多润滑油Castrol、美国威氏Lubriplate润滑油、沃尔沃润滑油VOLVO、长城等国内外***工业润滑油(脂)及船舶润滑油。产品广泛应用于车辆、船舶、航空、特种工业设备、钢铁、食品等多个领域。 深圳市鑫贝利贸易有限公司,公司依托埃克森美孚、壳牌等强大的品牌优势。不断进取、勇于创新,不断拓展与完善服务网络提升企业实力。帮助客户合理的挑选油品、降低库存的同时降低成本,提高效益。现已发展为***竞争力的进口品牌润滑油经销商。真正的做到“服务***、至诚至信、稳健进取、价格合理”的承诺。 我们的目标:提供给客户更加完整的技术支持及售后服务 我们的价值观:诚实正直、尊重他人、团队合作、积极进取

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企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人独资) 统一社会信用代码 914403005776553942
成立日期 2011-06-18 法定代表人/负责人 龙和连
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广东 深圳 龙华区 大浪街道华明路华明大厦6楼601
广东 深圳 广东 深圳 龙华区 大浪街道华明路华明大厦6楼601 深圳市鑫贝利贸易有限公司
本页面所展现的 Q8 Ruysdael WR 2高性能耐水润滑脂,Q8多用途锂钙基耐水润滑脂Multi LCX 1 信息及其他相关推荐信息,均来源于其对应的商铺,信息的真实性、准确性和合法性由该信息的来源商铺所属企业完全负责。供应商网对此不承担任何保证责任。